مقالات ISI

  Peer Reveiwed Papers(ISI index):  
Download P.Payvandy, M.latifi, M.Mirsalim”Interlacing Metallic Filaments by Rotational Permanent Magnetic Field” Journal of Fibers and Polymers,Vol.9,No.5,pp.583-587 (2008) ۱
Download P.Peyvandi, M. Yousefzadeh-Chimeh and M. Latifi,” A Note On Neuro-Fractal Based Defect Recognition and Classification in Nonwoven Web Images”, Journal of The Textile Institute,Vol. 101, No. 1, ,pp. 46–۵۱(۲۰۱۰) ۲
Download P.Payvandy, M.Latifi,M.Agha-Mirsalim, J.S.Moghani,”Rotational Electro-Magnetic Field Aided False Twisting of Metallic Filaments”, Journal of the Textile Institute,Vol. 101, No. 6, pp.514–۵۱۹(۲۰۱۰) ۳
Download R.Bagherzadeh, M. Gorji, M. Latifi, P. Payvandy, and L. X. Kong” Evolution of Moisture Management Behavior of High-wicking 3D Warp Knitted Spacer Fabrics”, Journal of Fibers and Polymers,Vol.13, No.4, pp.529-534(2012) ۴
Download V. Mozafary, P. Payvandy, S.M Bidoki, R.Bagherzadeh “Predicting the Influence of Seam Design on Formability and Strength of Nonwoven Structures using Artificial Neural Network”, Journal of Fibers and Polymers, Vol.14, No.9, pp.1535-1540(2013) ۵
Download V. Mozafary, P. Payvandy”Application of Data Mining Technique in Predicting of Worsted Spun Yarn Quality”,Journal of the Textile Institute,Vol .105,No.1,pp.100-108(2014) ۶
Download S.Ebrahimi, P.Payvandy,”Optimization of the Link Drive Mechanism in a Sewing Machine Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm”,International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,Vol.26,No.3,pp.247-260(2014) ۷
Download S.Ebrahimi,P.Payvandy,”Efficient constrained synthesis of path generating four-bar mechanisms based on the heuristic optimization algorithms“,Mechanism and Machine Theory,Vol. 85, ,pp.189–۲۰۴,(۲۰۱۵) ۸
Download N.Dehghan, M.A.Tavanaie and P.Payvandy “Morphology study of nanofibres produced by extraction from polymer blend fibres using image processing” , The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,Vol.32,No.9,pp.1928-1937(2015) ۹
Download V. Mozafary, P. Payvandy”Study and Comparison Techniques in Fabric Simulation Using Mass Spring model”International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,Vol. 28 ,No.5, ,pp.634 – ۶۸۹(۲۰۱۶) ۱۰
Download F.Fasahat,P.Payvandy “A novel hybrid genetic and imperialist competitive algorithm for structure extraction of woven fabric images”,The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol.108,No.6,pp.893-905(2017) ۱۱
Download V.Mozafary,P.Payvandy”Mass spring parameters identification for knitted fabric simulation based on FAST testing and Particle Swarm Optimization” ,Fibers and Polymers,Vol.17,No.10,pp.1715-1725(2016) ۱۲
Download V.Mozafary,P.Payvandy”” Mass spring parameters definition for knitted fabric simulation using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm’,Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,Vol.1,No.25,pp.65-74(2017) ۱۳
Download V.Mozafary,P.Payvandy” A novel method based on loop shape for simulating knitted fabric using mass spring model”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol.18, No.3, pp.533-541( 2017) ۱۴
Download V.Mozafary, P.Payvandy ” Introducing and optimizing a novel mesh for simulating knitted fabric”, The Journal of The Textile Institute,Vol.109,No.2,pp.202-218 (2018) ۱۵
Download M.Yousefpour ,P.Payvandy,MS.Ahmadi,”Investigation of Physical Models Accuracy Optimized by PSO for Determining Low Velocity Impact Behavior of Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabrics”,The Journal of The Textile Institute,Vol.109,No.3,pp.312-321 (2018 ۱۶
Download M.Yousefpour ,MS.Ahmadi,P.Payvandy”Experimental study on compressive, flexural and fatigue behavior of warp-knitted spacer fabrics reinforced polyurethane cast elastomer composites”,Fibers and Polymers, Vol.18, No.7, pp.1346–۱۳۵۲ (۲۰۱۷) ۱۷
Download Introducing a novel method based on the imperialistic competitive algorithm to determine fluorine intermolecular potential from ab initio calculations and calculation of some properties via MD simulations”,Molcular Simulation,Vol.44,No.3,pp.243-253 (2018) ۱۸
Download ۱۹
Download V.Mozafary, P.Payvandy,M.Rezaeian ” A novel approach for simulation of curling behavior of knitted fabric based on mass spring model ”, The Journal of The Textile Institute,Vol.109 ,No.12,pp.1620-1641,(2018) ۲۱
Download M.Emadi ,MA.Tavanaie,P.Payvandy”Measurement of the uniformity of thermally bonded points in polypropylene spunbonded non-wovens using image processing and its relationship with their tensile properties ;”,Autex Research Journal, Vol.18 ,No.4 ,405-418,(2018) ۲۲
Download  Haji, A. and Payvandy, P., “Application of ANN and ANFIS in prediction of color strength of plasma-treated wool yarns dyed with a natural colorant”,Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 49 No. 3, pp. 171-180.(2020) https://doi.org/10.1108/PRT-10-2019-0089  ۲۳
Download M. Taghvaie,P. PayvandyM.M. Jalili,”Introduction and Optimization of a Novel Nonlinear Model for the Free Vibration of Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics”, Fibers and Polymers, 21, 1849–۱۸۵۶ (۲۰۲۰) ۲۴
Download Azami, Abas Ali; Payvandy, Pedram; jalili, mohamad,”Simulation of the compression and recovery behavior of non- woven fabrics under dynamic loading for automotive floor-covering application”,Journal of Industrial Textiles, 51,7900-7919(2022) ۲۵
Download Mina Emadi, Pedram Payvandy, Mohammad Ali Tavanaie, Mohammad Mahdi Jalili,” Video Camera–Based Vibration Measurement for the Detection of the Apparent
Properties of Monofilaments”,The Journal of the Textile Institute
(2021), 1055-1066,(7)112
Download Mina Emadi, Pedram Payvandy, Mohammad Ali Tavanaie & Mohammad Mahdi Jalili ” Measurement of vibration in polyester filament yarns to detect their apparent properties”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 113(7), 1270-1280(2022)   27
Download ,P Payvandy, S Zohoori, M Bekrani,Antibacterial, self-cleaning and UV blocking of wool fabric coated with nano Ce/ZnO and Ce/TiO2,Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research (IJFTR),Vol46,No.1,pp.57-62(2021)  28
Download ,Neda Dehghan, Pedram Payvandy, Shahram Talebi,
Introducing a novel model for predicting effective thermal conductivity of spacer fabrics based on their structural parameters,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol.147, 6615–۶۶۲۹, (۲۰۲۲)
Download Azami, Abas Ali; Payvandy, Pedram; jalili,Analytical Approach for Simulating the Compression and Recovery Behaviour of Nonwoven Fabrics for Automotive Floor-Covering Application under Static Loading,Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,  29, 4(148): 62-68(2021)  30

zare, abolfazl; Payvandy, Pedram;”The prediction of optimal conditions for the surface grafting of β-cyclodextrin onto silk fabrics by an artificial neural network (ANN)” in its current form for publication in Pigment & Resin Technology”,Pigment & Resin Technology,Vol. 52 No. 2, 183-191. (2023)


 M, Kargar;Payvandy,Pedram;Mozafary Vajihe,”‘A Numerical Structure-Based Method of Simulating Filament Yarns”The Journal of the Textile Institute ,113(12), 2681-2693,(2022)

Download P.Payvandy;M.Ahmadi;M.yousefpourOptimization of Mass-spring Model Parameters by ICA for Assessing Compressional Behavior of Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics Reinforced Polyurethane Cast Elastomer Composites”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 23, 3596–۳۶۰۵, (۲۰۲۲)    ۳۳

M, Kargar;Payvandy,Pedram;“Simulation and prediction of seam puckering in the layers of woven fabrics using a yarn-level model”,International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,Vol.35,No.2,1-15(2022)

DownloadNeda Dehghan, Pedram Payvandy, Shahram Talebi, Numerical Simulation and Image Analysis of Thermal Behavior of Spacer Fabric,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,Vol. 148, 5271–۵۲۸۲, (۲۰۲۳)۳۵
Download,Mohsen Taghvaie, Pedram Payvandy, MohammadMehdi Jalili,Investigation on Transmission Property of Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabric in Primary Resonance Using , Nonlinear System Model, Fibers and Polymers,Vol.24, . 2239–۲۲۵۳, (۲۰۲۳)
DownloadM Kargar, P Payvandy, V Mozafary Simulation of Draping Behavior of Woven Fabrics ,with an Optimized Yarn-Level ,Numerical Model,Fibers and Polymers,, Vol. ۲۴,. ۲۵۰۳–۲۵۱۹,  (۲۰۲۳)۳۷